This blog is all to do with creation but I have now started topping it up with other bits and pieces, short journals about my view, the things that surrounds me...and much more.


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Muse and More

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email: ganesh.mn2016@gmail.com

Friday, 18 April 2014

Summer and Hay Fever

Summer is here, and every one is all happy and smiley, except for the few of us who has allergy to pollen seeds. Am I right? Hay fever is caused due to the pollen produced by plants during the summer. 
This causes the nose and eyes to be itchy resulting in continuous sneezing and rubbing of eyes. This is pretty annoying feeling as continuous rubbing and sneezing can also make your skin sore. 
All of us have been taking continuous medicines and tablets and what not to get rid of this allergic reaction. But has it worked for all of us? Probably the answer is no. Because despite of taking tons and tons of medicine you don't stop sneezing or rubbing your eyes. One of the person who is having this allergic reaction is my own husband. Whenever summer is here, he sneezes continuously and at the same time he also rubs his eyes resulting in the eyes getting red like tomatoes. As much as we want to enjoy the summer, it is actually not really good for him. And that is also one of the other reason we don't go to the parks. 

In the beginning, I did not know what this hay fever was really about. It was only after my husband told me that the pollen enters your nose and causes the allergic reaction. Then I thought to myself if is the pollen that enters your nose, why the hell are people taking those medicines because it is something physical that is entering their body not internally. So, if you do something about it physically then the reaction could be minimized. 

Last summer, I asked my husband to apply Vaseline under his nose to see if that would stop the pollen from entering the nose. Guess what!!! It actually worked!!!!
It does not stop your allergic reaction completely but it surely does minimize it. Now a days every time my husband goes out during the summer he applies a little bit of Vaseline under his nose. He also takes his allergy tablet and for the eyes he wears sun glasses every time he goes out. But the number of time he sneezes and rubs his eyes has dropped down dramatically. I am so pleased to see the result.

I hope this also helps some of you out there who are allergic to pollen during summer. And I also hope you get to enjoy the summer more then suffer from the allergic reaction. Happy summer days to all of you.

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