This blog is all to do with creation but I have now started topping it up with other bits and pieces, short journals about my view, the things that surrounds me...and much more.


Love and Blessings

Muse and More

To Shop various items with my art visit:

email: muse.an.more@gmail.com
email: ganesh.mn2016@gmail.com

Thursday, 10 January 2013

More Nail Attack!!!

I have been so busy with work both at home and work work..Do I have time for myself???? Yes..lol..I always find some time for myself at the end of the day...Well I don't get to write a blog every other day but I do get to paint my nails after finishing off my homework..i.e. tasks and assignments at work and cooking cleaning at home...

I have managed to take some pictures. But whilst typing and posting it...I feel so shattered because work makes you feel that way right..???? and being a women you have so many responsibilities...oh boy..I can't even imagine the future days and years to come when I will be a mother...and I will be dumped with piles and piles of work..!!!!

Anyways too much of talking..so here it is..my nail art..

Recently I have also joined Instagram and because I am new to it and it makes me all excited and do different things to my pictures lol...I am a PICTUREHOLIC..well just made up that word...
So thats all folks...I will come back and post more...and soon I will be starting off with my card as well and but don't know when exactly because I am so busy right now...I don't have time for anything else..

Thanks for reading ....

Lots of love and blessings..\


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